Meaning of Life Goals
Did you ever think why everyone is different from others? I think the answer is because every individual has a different mission to complete. What, when, where, why and how it is to be completed depends on the person. Your life goals are the mission you have been given to complete during your journey on earth to make it meaningful. It’s up to you what you choose and how you fulfill it. Goals are important, not only to a single person alone, but for an industry, the government and the world as well. Completion of individual goals will help the industry to grow, which in turn helps the country to develop and finally makes the world to prosper. This also shows that to accomplish your bigger goals, you need to break them in small parts and complete them one by one. When it comes to choosing your goals, you need to know yourself. Goals are not just getting a job. There are lots of goals for you to achieve such as social goals, relationship goals, luxury goals, etc. But, for ea...
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